Direttore responsabile Maria Ferrante − sabato 27 luglio 2024 o consulta la mappa del sito




    "Questa crisi è guidata dai profitti in eccesso, non dai salari" Lo afferma ia Confederazione Europea dei Sindacati.

I salari non sono la causa dell'inflazione. I lavoratori sono le vittime di questa crisi, con il valore dei loro salari in calo mentre i prezzi dei beni di uso quotidiano aumentano. Ciò sta aumentando le disuguaglianze esistenti, con i lavoratori a bassa retribuzione e le persone vulnerabili che sono i più colpiti.

I datori di lavoro, i governi e l'UE hanno tutti la responsabilità di adottare misure urgenti per affrontare la crisi del costo della vita garantendo aumenti salariali, sostegno di emergenza per le famiglie in difficoltà, un tetto ai prezzi, tassazione e ridistribuzione dei profitti e della ricchezza in eccesso.

Ecco perché i lavoratori ei loro sindacati in tutta Europa chiedono un piano in sei punti per affrontare la crisi del costo della vita e costruire un'economia che vada bene per i lavoratori.

- Aumenti salariali per far fronte all'aumento del costo della vita e garantire ai lavoratori una giusta quota di guadagni di produttività, nonché misure per promuovere la contrattazione collettiva come il modo migliore per ottenere una retribuzione equa e un'economia sostenibile.

- Pagamenti mirati alle persone che lottano per permettersi la bolletta dell'energia, mettere il cibo in tavola e pagare l'affitto; il diritto al cibo ea una casa calda sono diritti umani e devono essere tutelati. Non ci si può aspettare che le persone in povertà paghino bollette insostenibili. Ci deve essere un divieto di disconnessioni.

- Tariffe in particolare sul costo delle bollette energetiche e una tassa stagna sui profitti eccessivi dell'energia e di altre società per garantire che non siano autorizzate a speculare su questa crisi, insieme ad altre misure per fermare il profitto, come frenare i dividendi e prevenire la speculazione sui prezzi dei generi alimentari.

- Misure di sostegno anticrisi nazionali ed europee per proteggere i redditi e i posti di lavoro nell'industria, nei servizi e nel settore pubblico, comprese misure di tipo SURE per proteggere i posti di lavoro, i redditi e per finanziare misure sociali per far fronte a questa crisi e processi di transizione giusta.

- Riformare il funzionamento del mercato energetico dell'UE. Riconoscere che l'energia è un bene pubblico e investire per affrontare le cause profonde della crisi, come il sottoinvestimento nell'energia verde e le conseguenze della privatizzazione.

- Un posto a tavola per i sindacati per progettare e attuare misure anticrisi attraverso il dialogo sociale. Questo è il metodo collaudato per gestire con successo la crisi.

I governi e l'UE non possono evitare questa crisi. Il prezzo dell'inazione o dell'adozione della risposta sbagliata, come l'aumento dei tassi di interesse, il blocco dei salari o il ritorno all'agenda di austerità fallita, sarà catastrofico.

5 September : CMKOS demonstration in Prague against in-work #poverty and energy price crisis (see photos here)
17 September : ÖGB demonstrations across Austria today to demand action to stop exploding prices and corporate profits (see photos here)
19 September : launch of CITUB campaign in response to the cost of living crisis (see photos here)
21 September : demonstration in Brussels of the Belgian trade unions (see photos here)
22 September : LIGA Wage Conference
24 September : PODKREPA protest of workers in the State Executive Agency “Road Transport Administration” over wages (see photos here)
26 September : PODKREPA National protest of workers in the Regional Health Inspectorates for pay increases and against pay inequalities (see photos here)
26 September : DGB rally in Trier (Germany) "hot autumn instead of social cold" (alliance against price increases with IGM, ver.di, ...)
27 September : tripartite social partners agreement in Luxembourg to limit the impact of inflation on households
27 September : DGB rally in Magdeburg
28 September : DGB nationwide communication action day on minimum wage
1 October : Publication by ETUC of calendar of trade union actions at EU and national level (& continuous update) (see calendar here)
1 October : ETUC communication activities on the need for action to preserve pensions and protect pensioners in this crisis (International Day of Older Persons) (see press release here)
1 October : FERPA Statement and actions (see statement here)
1 October : CNSLR – FRATIA communication at the national level regarding supporting actions to increase pensions and protect pensioners during this period of crisis (International Day of the Elderly);
During October : LBAS activities and press communications on raising the minimum wage in Latvia
During October : GSEE affiliates, federations and regional trade unions will organize mobilizations and actions against the cost-of-living crisis
Until 15 October : CGTP month of action (more info: CGTP website)
2 October : DGB rally in Lüneburg "Prices down" (ver.di, IGM, NGG, …)
3 October : OPZZ exhibition in favour of decent work
3-7 October: IndustiALL Europe focus week on ‘Workers need a pay rise and companies can afford it’
4 October : Approval of the Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages in the EU in the Council of the European Union – ETUC communication activities
4 October : OPZZ meetings in the Polish Parliament on inequalities in the labour market
5 October : ETUC action in Strasbourg with the support of the French unions (more info – Facebook event)
5 October : ETUC event in the European Parliament in Strasbourg to present the six demands and give evidence on the real situation (more info : poster EN ; poster FR ; FB event)
5 October: OPZZ training for young people & happening in Warsaw Old Town
5 October : TUC Town Halls in Corby (more info here) and in Bristol (more info here) – part of TUC Autumn of Action (more info: website)
5 – 15 October : OPZZ mobilisation of education workers, teachers and higher education staff ending with a large demonstration
6 October : TUC Town Halls in Cardiff (more info here), in London (more info here) and in Liverpool (more info here) – part of TUC Autumn of Action (more info: website)
6 October : DGB rallies in Schwerin and Bernburg
6 October: USO Demonstration in front of the Congress of Deputies (together with other organisations)
6 – 7 October 2022 : Informal meeting of heads of state or government – engagement by ETUC and affiliates
6 – 7 October : CATUS high-level meeting and related actions on pay rise in Vrnja?ka Banja
7 October : ETUC Collective Bargaining and Wage Coordination Committee – photo action
7 October : ETUC Communication activities on impact of cost-of-living crisis on decent work in occasion of the World Day for Decent Work
7 October : CCOO and UGT mobilisation on Wage Justice in occasion of the World Day for Decent Work
7 October : SZEF and MASZSZ joint video message on the cost of living crisis
7 October : LPSK event for the Decent Work Day on fair/adequate wages and reduced purchasing power of households (more info: facebook event and image)
7 October : CNSLR – FRATIA communication activities on the occasion of the World Day for Decent Work – focus on wages
7 October : IndustiALL Europe Supporting IndustriALL Global Union’s activities on fighting inequalities
7 October : Solidarumas Trade Union protest action o limit the growth of electricity prices and to increase salaries for employees faster than the inflation rises (more info: poster)
Do  not destroy national business, to save job places.
8 October : CGIL demonstration in Rome (more info: poster)
8 October : KOZ SR Anti-Poverty demonstration
8 October : CMKOS demonstration in Prague
8 October : OPZZ protest in the fight for decent work of court employees
8 October : TUC Town Hall in Coventry (more info here) – part of TUC Autumn of Action (more info: website)
8 October : DGB rally in Berlin "#Nicht mit uns" (broad alliance, demonstration in Berlin) ; DGB rally in Halle (DGB et al.) ; DGB rally in Hamburg
8 October : Demos, rallies and events in the context of the Action Day Rent Stop (Alliance Rent Stop with DGB and others) in Augsburg, Bochum, Düsseldorf, Esslingen, Freiburg, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Kiel, Cologne, Leipzig, Lörrach, Munich, Neumünster, Offenburg, Speyer, Stuttgart, Villin-gen-Schwenningen and others
10 October : ETUC Communication activities on the development in real wages & inequality
10 October : TUC Town Halls in Swansea (more info here) and in Cornwall (more info here) – part of TUC Autumn of Action (more info: website)
10 October : CNSLR – FRATIA Communication activities on real wages and inequalities (focus on well-being)
10 – 12 October : CNSLR – FRATIA affiliated trade unions to send a letter (using ETUC model) requesting the Government, ministries, Prefectures and parliamentarians actions regarding the six-point-plan
10-14 October : ÖGB action days throughout Austria "prices down".
10–14 October: IndustiALL Europe focus week on ‘Wages are not driving inflation, megaprofits are!’
11 October : Extraordinary EESC Workers' Group meeting in Prague “Social dialogue within the green transition”
11 October : DGB Youth Landshut demo and rally "Und ob das geht! Wages up, prices down!"
12 October : DGB event "A New Industrial and Competition Policy for Europe"
12 October : CNSLR – FRATIA action at the territorial level by convening the Social Dialogue Commissions at the Prefecture level, on the topic of strategic autonomy - focus on energy demands
13 October : UIL initiative on the reform of the economic governance in the context of the current crisis before the opening of the national Congress
13 October : joint webinar on wages IndustiALL Europe / IndustriALL Global Union
12 October : TUC Town Halls in Medway (more info here) – part of TUC Autumn of Action (more info: website)
13 October : TUC Northampton Town Hall (more info here) – part of TUC Autumn of Action (more info: website)
13 – 14 October : Informal EPSCO in Prague – ETUC delegation
14 October : TUC Nottingham Town Hall (more info here) – part of TUC Autumn of Action (more info: website)
14 October : TUC national day of action (more info on Megaphone) – part of TUC Autumn of Action (more info: website)
14 – 28 October : CCOO and UGT Campaign in workplaces, especially in those where the negotiation of their collective agreement is pending
15 October : CGTP demonstrations in Lisbon and Porto (more info: CGTP website)
15 October : DGB rally in Leipzig (broad alliance of the "city society") and demo and rally in Zwickau (IG Metall + alliance)
17 October : ETUC Communication activities in occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty & Communication activities on highlighting role of profiteering and speculation in creating poverty
17 October : CNSLR – FRATIA Communication activities on the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
17-21 October : NTUC Cartel ALFA ANTI-PAUPERISATION MARCH - two vehicle convoys, with stops and local manifestations in towns on the way to Bucharest (more info: website)
17 – 21 October: IndustiALL Europe focus week on ‘Workers need stable purchasing power and anti-crisis measures, not austerity!’
18 October : DGB consultation event on dealing with rising prices in Rostock (DGB, Mieterbund, Verbraucherzentrale)
19 October : Tripartite Social Summit – ETUC delegation participating – focus on impact on jobs in private and public sector, industry and services & need for action on 6 demands
19 October : OPZZ demonstration in Warsaw on inequalities in jobs
19 October : CNSLR – FRATIA Round table with employers' organizations and representatives of Public Institutions - focus on the impact on jobs in the private and public sector, industry and services and the need for action for the 6 point- plan
20 October : TUC Ipswich Town Hall (more info here) – part of TUC Autumn of Action (more info: website)
20 – 21 October : European Council – engagement by ETUC and affiliates
21 October : NTUC Cartel ALFA ANTI-PAUPERISATION MARCH final demo in Bucharest
21 October : DGB rally in Bremen (DGB a.o.)
22 October : demonstration and rally in Frankfurt/M. (broad alliance with GEW, ver.di, BUND, DPWV, campact, Mieterbund, participation DGB-Bezirk), Düsseldorf (alliance, NGG, IG BAU district), Hanover (alliance see above), Stuttgart (alliance, DGB region), Dresden (alliance, DGB region and alliance "Herz statt Hetze"), Berlin (alliance)
22 October 22: USO Demonstration in Madrid (together with other organisations)
22 October : TUC London Town Hall (more info here) – part of TUC Autumn of Action (more info: website)
23 October : Climate March organised by the Belgian climate coalition (which includes the Belgian unions) (more info: website)
24 October : DGB rally in Lübeck
27 October : Finnish unions seminar on “Energy and Food Costs Rocketing – Trade Unions’ Role to Maintain the Balance in Society”
27 – 28 October : ETUC Executive Committee
28 October – 3 November : CCOO and UGT focus on increasing visibility for mobilization campaign, through social networks and in contact with citizens
29 October : TUC Carlisle Town Hall (more info here) – part of TUC Autumn of Action (more info: website)
2 November : TUC mass lobby of Parliament (more info on TUC campaigns) – part of TUC Autumn of Action (more info: website)
2 November : TUC mass rally (more info on TUC website) – part of TUC Autumn of Action (more info: website)
3 November : CCOO and UGT great demonstration in Madrid: Salary or conflict
8 November : DGB demo and rally in Cologne (alliance "Arsch huh..." with DGB and others)
9 November : GSEE nationwide strike and mobilizations across the country protesting against the cost-of-living crisis
19 November : TUC Middlesbrough Town Hall (more info here) – part of TUC Autumn of Action (more info: website)

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